Being a blogger user, there is no assurance that your blog is safe from removal, that’s the price of using the platform for free. Since, your site is hosted at Google servers. Therefore, if your site does not comply with their Terms and services they will delete your site without even giving a second chance. You may have heard from many co-Blogger users that their websites are getting vanished overnight. As a Google blogger, there is no way of retrieving your deleted blog. The only thing you can do to protect yourself is to take a backup of your site. In this Article, we will show you how to take backup your Blogger Blog.
Probably this is the price of using this platform for free. Just imagine the feeling of a person who spends days and nights in putting up his website, and suddenly Google removes his site due to some violation in terms. Things cannot get worse than that.
How To Backup of Posts, Pages and Images?
To Backup your website go to Blogger.com >> Settings >> Other >> Export your blog. Now a new window will appear, just select the orange “Download Blog” button and a file will be downloaded which would be in “XML” format. That file possesses all the data and details about your blog including posts, images, and pages. The downloaded file can be used on WordPress, or any other popular platform.
How to Backup Template?
If anyone is wondering how to take back up of their template, then he can go to Blogger >> Template >> Backup/Restore. Now press “Download the full template” button and template is successfully backed up. The downloaded file would be in XML format and it cannot be used on any other platform except Blogger.
That’s all folks, now your blog is successfully backed up. In the future, if your site got deleted, then you can use this back up and can migrate your whole site to WordPress without even losing a single Search engine ranking. By using 301 permanent redirects, we can easily redirect all the traffic to the new self-hosted WordPress site. However, without backup you have to give a kick start to your career once again.
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